Former Military Officer: Unarmed, I Stand for My Rights and Those Living with HIV in Indonesia

His name is Yudha, which means war. He was a former Indonesian military officer. He never thought that his HIV status would instantly change his life, not because his productivity had decreased due to some HIV-related illness. In fact, when he was dismissed, it was around the time when his performance graph was increasing. Yudha […]
25 Years of Living with HIV and Making an Impact on the World

Her name is Kularb Dangtong – or Khun Kularb – which means Rose. The HIV that is in her body does not scare her. For her, the virus is another word for courage. Khun Kularb’s HIV journey started 25 years ago. She recalls the day she found out she was positive to the virus that […]
Born with HIV and My Family Never Even Spoke About it

According to data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, HIV cases affecting children in Indonesia have reached 12,553 since 2020. The majority are under four years old with 4,764 cases. HIV cases in children do not only occur in Indonesia but also in various countries in the Asia Pacific. Approximately 21,000 […]
Story from Ajitshwor Wangkheirakpam, Manipur, India

My name is Ajitshwor Wangkheirakpam. I am 42 years old male from Manipur in India. I have been living with HIV and HCV co-infection for a long time. My HIV have been completely well controlled and managed, thanks to the government program for anti-retroviral for HIV. However, my HCV infection has been making my liver’s […]
Story from Ayu Oktariani, Bandung, Indonesia

My Name is Ayu Oktariani, I’m from Bandung, Indonesia, I am 29 years old female. I’m co-infection HIV HCV patient, since 2009. My HIV condition is very well managed since the time infected, the ARV therapy help me through the difficult time. But my HCV infection makes it harder, because I don’t take any treatment […]