Summary of the 11th Multi-Country Network Meeting

Vietnam Community Calls for TLD registration, VNP+

To whom it might concerns I, the undersigned, on behalf of community of PLHIV in Vietnam is pleased to invite you all to submit genericTLD registration dossier in Vietnam as to the Govt. of Vietnam has adopt the optimal HIV treatment regimen Tenofovir DF 300mg/lamivudine 300mg/dolutegravir 50mg as a Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) in the […]
APN PLUS Statement on Universal Health Coverage

FULL USE OF TRIPS FLEXIBILITIES CRITICAL TO ENSURING ACCESS TO MEDICINES AND FULFILLING COMMITMENTS ON UHC People Living with HIV and Marginalized Communities must be at the centre of all Universal Health Coverage (UHC) related policies, programmes and Discussions Bangkok, 12 December 2019 – On the International day on Universal Health Coverage (UHC), Asia Pacific Network […]
APN+ Fact sheet on UHC

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Key facts • At least half of the world’s population still does not have full coverage of essential health services. • About 100 million people are still being pushed into extreme poverty (defined as living on 1.90 USD or less a day) because they have to payfor health care. • Over […]
Desk Review Report – Improving Community Based/Led HIV Testing Among Transgender People and People who Inject Drugs in Asia

Improving Community-Based / Led HIV Testing Services Among Transgender People and People Who Inject Drugs in Asia: Desk Review Report. This document presents the background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the desk review conducted in 2019 to capture the current situation related to HIV testing services for people who inject drugs and transgender people […]
Living Longer with HIV in Asia Pacific

HIV has become a manageable chronic illness with the advent of combination antiretroviral therapy (NIH 1998). Since then, while HIV positive persons may entail phases of acute illness, the effectiveness of the medication means HIV infection is no longer the death sentence it once was (Reiter, 2000). Indeed, with current projections ndicating that positive persons […]
Strategic Planning APN Plus 2017-2021

Positive Change is the Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (APN+) Strategy for 2012 – 2016. It describes our ambitions, our priorities and the differences we want to make over the next five years. APN+ was established in 1994 as a collective voice for all HIV positive people in the Asia […]
Global TB Report 2018

Executive Summary Context On 26 September 2018, the United Nations (UN) will hold its first high-level meeting on tuberculosis (TB), at its headquarters in New York. The title of the meeting – United to End TB: An Urgent Global Response to a Global Epidemic – highlights the need for immediate action to accelerate progress towards […]
Facilitators and barriers for retention in HIV care between testing and treatment in Asia—A study in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Lao, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and Vietnam

The need for efficient retention in HIV care is more evident than ever because of the expansion of earlier ART initiation and the shift towards ‘Test and Treat’. APN+ conducted a study to assess factors affecting participation in the HIV care cascade among people living with HIV (PLHIV) in the Asia-Pacific Region. Targeted and venue […]
Community-Initiated HIV Testing Services In South Asian Cities For Men Who Have Sex With Men And Transgender Women